CCSK Study Guide, and CSA Security Guidance document

The CCSK (Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge) version 5 exam is based on the Official Study Guide. You can download it from this page.

The Study Guide is condensed from the "Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing v5", which can also be downloaded here.

The Study Guide is the single most important document to read if you want to pass the CCSK exam. However, it is not necessary to read it now if you follow the course, so right now you should just download it. In later units you will be referred back to domains in this document.

If you want to print one thing of this course, print this document. It will also give you a place to make notes as you go through the online course. I find printing the other material less relevant.

You will need this document during the exam, and you should by then be prepared to search in them through a proper PDF reader that allows searching for phrases, not just words. I am using the free Foxit reader (, available for many platforms (e.g. appstore on the Apple Mac), but use any PDF reader that fits your needs.

Version 5 of the CSA Security Guidance was released in the summer of 2024.

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