Course format, session dates, Adobe Connect link
Thursday June 5, 2025 (provisionally) is the start of a cohort style flipped classroom - CCZT3-, with weekly 60-90 minute sessions. Ask about the next cohort.
Session dates to be announced and agreed upon.
Cohort style flipped classroom means homework for you :-), and a one-hour (more or less) weekly session dedicated to the hard parts and the application in the business.
This will take 8-12 sessions, or as long as it takes to be comfortable for the exam.
We'll cover both exam preparation and application of the concepts in your day job.
Adobe Connect session link (login required).
A regular session consists of:
- Check-in
- Q&A based on your reading and pre-work - if you put these in before the session I can prepare a brief presentation
- Discuss the pre-work and compare work experiences and results with other attendees
- Some sample (exam) questions
- Chatbot experiences
- Establish the reading and exercise expectations for the next session.
For each chapter, there is a learning unit with more detail on the activities.